Python and p2p

Chris Keyes chrisk at
Wed Feb 5 18:32:16 EST 2003

Geoff Gerrietts wrote:
> Quoting Chris Keyes (chrisk at
>>I sympathise with anyone who would like to read more of these books and 
>>can't afford to. I also agree with the comments about good free 
>>information being available, although there's nothing quite like a book!
> I think, having some formal training as a librarian, and seeing the
> way these things tend to play out, that except in very few
> circumstances, a library would be a better choice for obtaining this
> content than the indirect theft that is P2P networks. Most countries
> have very progressive libraries, even in countries that are not
> progressive. Getting access to quality technical books is possible.
> Libraries, however, are typically terrible at promoting themselves.

Quite agree... I'm lucky enough to have a large university library which 
is free for me to use. I've just done a search on the index 

A search in book titles for "PYTHON" returns no matches
A search in keywords for "PYTHON" returns one hit for:
Lutz, Mark. - Programming Python. - Sebastopol, Ca; Cambridge : 
O'Reilly, 1996. - (A Nutshell handbook). - 1565921976

Maybe that says a lot about my university library :-( Probably no one 
has requested them for courses, so none have been ordered. They can 
usually get in print books on the shelves in about 8 to 10 weeks (time 
to order and add to catalogue etc), by which time its too late. Amazon 
get them to me in a few days.

The point I was making was that books are a nice thing to have if you 
can afford to buy or are able to borrow them. Personally I don't like 
spending hours reading electronic documentation. If people can get hold 
of Python books from their local Library thats great!

Most of the Python books I have purchased have been worth the money, 
especially the Essential Reference, which is pretty close to a Bible.

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