Newbie question - Python mode in SciTE ? (NOT solved)

Neil Hodgson nhodgson at
Tue Feb 4 05:23:14 EST 2003

Alan James Salmoni:

> I'm not sure if this is what you're after, but I had a similar problem
> with SciTE (now my favourite editor!). What I did was to move SciTE to
> /usr/share/scite (or is it /usr/share/SciTE ?)

   Lower case 'scite' as it's too easy to type "SciTE" wong unless you've
done it as many times as I have.

> as the binary appears to have that location hard coded.
> It might be alterable, but I', not sure how.

   The location gets baked in at compilation time. This is done to behave
similarly to other GTK+ and GNOME applications. GTK+ and GNOME are most
commonly installed in either /usr if they come as part of your distribution
or in /usr/local if you have installed them yourself. Therefore during
compilation 'gnome-config --prefix' is called to find out the correct prefix
for the current machine. This makes more sense when you are recompiling
SciTE and not so much sense when using a binary distribution as your copy of
GNOME may be in a different place to mine.

   SciTE does have to look somewhere for its base configuration files so a
baked in choice is not too bad when it is being installed for use by
multiple accounts on one machine. Since the core configuration files are in
a global location they are then protected from modification by normal users.
When you want to change some settings, it is best to add these settings to
the user properties file which is located in your home directory and which
will not interfere with other accounts and will not be overwritten when a
new version of SciTE is installed. You can use the SciTE_HOME environment
variable if you instead want a personal installation in a particular


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