Case sensitive and ludicrous statements

Paul Rubin http
Sun Dec 7 17:53:50 EST 2003

Douglas Alan <nessus at> writes:
> > This doesn't make sense to me as an explanation.  Smalltalk didn't reach 
> > much of a mass audience until Goldberg's book was published in 1983, and 
> > other object-oriented languages (e.g. C++) did not immediately adopt 
> > CamelCase (I see none in Stroustroup's 1986 C++ book).  In the meantime, 
> > CamelCase (with or without the initial capital) was certainly used prior 
> > to 1983 in languages such as Pascal.
> Someone else in this thread claimed that CamelCase came to Pascal via
> Apple.  And we know that Apple was lapping at the time from the font
> of Xerox Parc.  This would explain how CamelCase made it from
> Smalltalk to Pascal.

Yes, that sounds plausible to me.  While Smalltalk may not have had a
mass audience pre-1983, hacker culture at the time centered around
academia and places like PARC, which didn't need mass audiences.  The
MixedCase thing seemed cult-like even at the time, which fits in with
Apple taking it up.

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