What GUI toolkit looks the best?

Jamey Cribbs jcribbs at twmi.rr.com
Thu Dec 11 23:41:03 EST 2003

Paul Rubin wrote:
> I've been approached about writing a Windows app which will need a
> really professional looking GUI.  Forget TKinter, this has to actually
> look good (real artists will be available to get the visual stuff
> right).  Assuming I write in Python, what's the best toolkit to use?

Wow! What a response this question has generated.  I would have to throw 
my hat into the PyGTK ring, for both objective and subjective reasons.

I think GTK looks great on Windows and my PyGTK apps have been very 
stable and responsive.  On a more subjective note, for me, the PyGTK API 
just fits my brain better than the wxPython one does.  It just feels 
more seemless to me and things make more sense when I look at them. 
Like I said, pretty subjective.

Maybe you could write a small sample app using both PyGTK and wxPython 
and see which one feels right to you.


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