Preview of a Stackless Zope Application

Christian Tismer tismer at
Tue Dec 16 06:59:24 EST 2003

Huy Do wrote:
> Christian Tismer <tismer at> wrote in message news:<mailman.52.1071114650.9307.python-list at>...

Please check the above URL again, I changed it a little,
to fit on smaller screens.

> Does this mean we can implement a Seaside(smalltalk) like application server ?
> How cool is that.

Oh yes (just looked into Seaside), I think it is very
much like that.
You can write one single program that deals with different
input of the user until his data form is filled correctly,
for instance.
It needs some design work to make the necessary framework
and to have a standard way to do this, but technically
it is solved.

If you have proposals, let me know.

ciao - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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