Easibox-0.2.1 released

phil hunt philh at invalid.email.address
Fri Dec 26 23:07:57 EST 2003

I've just released version 0.2.1 of my Easibox program,
which is used to automate making archive files, typically
for open source projects.

Version 0.2.1 adds two new features to Easibox: a
regression test system, and a bug fix.

The regression test was useful, because it caught a bug: if
you create a zip archive, then remove a superfluous file
from your project source, then re-create the same zip
archive, the superfluous file is still there. That's been
fixed now. 

Easibox is written in Python and licensed under the GNU
General Public License; see file COPYING (which comes with
the distribution) for details.

Easibox is available on the web from:

"It's easier to find people online who openly support the KKK than 
people who openly support the RIAA" -- comment on Wikipedia
(Email: <zen20000 at zen.co.ku>, but first subtract 275 and reverse 
the last two letters).  

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