Test if IDLE is a mature program

Aubrey Hutchison abhjrpe at comcast.net
Wed Dec 31 14:48:59 EST 2003

I understand the problem of using the names of common modules...

But why do we need to work around that problem..
Work arounds = = (tinkering to make something work as it should.)
The docs, at least I have not found them, do not say some file names are
reserve names.

My position still stands

This program does not really provide a credit to PYYHON.

Just to make something clear I really like IDLE but it has some serious

For Example the following:
Python IDLE:

Idle: 1.0 and 1.0.2  both present the following problems.

Idle is unstable when operating under windows -  not always usable for
 large programs say 200 + lines of code.


1)-- Write a program and then run it. So the results is not exactly what you
want- kill the ouput.
2)-- edit you program and rerun.

3)-- repeat steps one and two above and at some point windows will stop
working with Python. You can use other windows programs; however.

Problem ---- idle leaves several instantaces of python
running. (reminds me of old times when your car would stop working and you
needed to get under the hood to do something to make it work again)  A
stable idle would not require you to go into windows (under the hood)
and clear out the extra running processes. This appears to happen
more so when multi windows of IDLE are used maybe 2 to 3.


1)-- write a program with say 200+ lines of code doing the operations of
CASE 1 above.

2)-- Use a copy operation to copy a section of code (large or small) from
the same program or another or do a replace of a section of code within
the same program (large or small section).

Problem -----  You sooner or later will, at random locations within your
program, insert a random
number of copies  into your program. For example you want to change a
variable "Badd" to "bad" ,
you will usually find the replacement done and them find "bad" inserted at
random locations in your program any number of times.
At times the locations seem more random.
At times the inserts may be at the beginning or end of lines and other times
you may find the insert within a long Integer numbers.
Really is hell when the insert is "number digits" within a long integer.
Some times it is required that you got back to an earlier version of the

It is really upsetting when you say want to make a same change in the
program to
find it has inserted

I use it, but some times it is a pain --- .

Aubrey Hutchison

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