What GUI toolkit looks the best?

Jarek Zgoda jzgoda at gazeta.usun.pl
Fri Dec 12 17:16:41 EST 2003

Edward K. Ream <edreamleo at charter.net> pisze:

> My experience isn't that wxWindows doesn't work at all, it is that it takes
> a lot more work to make wxWindows work as I expect than with, say, Tkinter.
> It's a cost/risk issue.  I should have made that clearer.  wxPython reduces
> that cost difference substantially, and Python provides ways of end-running
> problems that didn't exist when I was using C++.

There are times, when Tkinter doesn't work at all, i.e. on
"second-half-of-world" terminals (non-ASCII/non-LATIN1). wxPython has no
problems there. Yes, I know, it's due to flaws in TCL/Tk, not in Tkinter
itself. But all Pythons ship with this flawed, broken, unusable Tk. And
don't even try to argue, that my customers can "build their own Tk with
bcc32 or OpenWatcom", they dont need to do anything more than install
wxPython from readily-available binary distribution.

NP: Sex Pistols - EMI

Jarek Zgoda
Unregistered Linux User #-1
http://www.zgoda.biz/ JID:zgoda at chrome.pl http://zgoda.jogger.pl/

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