wxTreeCtrl not wxListCtrl

Krzysztof Kaczkowski krzysztof at py142.wroclaw.sdi.tpnet.pl
Thu Aug 21 05:18:38 EDT 2003

Im  having problem, my class inherit in wxTreeItemData.
(Python2.3 i wxPython2.4.1.2u)

class MyTreeItemData (wxTreeItemData):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name_key = name
    def TEST():

  part my class MywxListCtrl inherit in wxTreeCtrl:

  item_data = MyTreeItemData('Test')
  itm = self.AppendItem(a1, a2, -1,-1,item_data)
  print dir(self.GetItemData(itm))

and my problem:
Function dir(self.GetItemData(itm)) not list MyTreeItemData, MyTreeItemData
not assign, dir(...) list only default class wxTreeItemData why?

>  print dir(self.GetItemData(itm))
['Destroy', 'GetClassName', 'GetData', 'GetId', 'SetData', 'SetId',
'__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__', 'this', 'thisown']

>print dir(item_data)
['Destroy', 'GetClassName', 'GetData', 'GetId', 'SetData', 'SetId', 'TEST',
'__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__', 'name_key', 'this',

Thank you.

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