wxTreeCtrl not wxListCtrl

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Fri Aug 22 01:31:24 EDT 2003

"Krzysztof Kaczkowski" <krzysztof at py142.wroclaw.sdi.tpnet.pl> wrote:
>Im  having problem, my class inherit in wxTreeItemData.
>(Python2.3 i wxPython2.4.1.2u)

That's not the correct way to use wxTreeItemData.  You need to send an
actual instance of wxTreeItemData to AppendItem, but you can pass an
arbitrary Python object as a parameter to the constructor.  Then you can
use GetData() to fetch that object.

Check out the pyTree.py demonstration in the wxPython "demo" directory.
- Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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