FWD: Re: Problem w/ IDLE on Win2000

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Thu Aug 7 14:25:15 EDT 2003

[Thomas Heller]
> If it helps, I'm willing to take over the windows installer

Great!  It's in your capable hands until death <wink>.  I can't imagine
anyone better for this -- thanks.

> - although I would probably stay with Wise.

Wise has worked very well for us; the only drawbacks are that very few
people are able to help when you want help (because very few people in
PythonLand own a copy of Wise), and that begging Wise for new installer
releases is a PITA.  Something like InnoSetup would lower the bar for

> And I consider IDLE having problems with spaces in its path a problem.

That's permitted <wink>.  I don't think it's an installer issue, though (see
other email about that -- it's most likely that Python's os.spawn on Windows
has problems with embedded spaces in an argument to the program being
spawned; 2.2 IDLE didn't use spawn so didn't have this vulnerability).

> Just bought my daughter a copy of 'Python für Kids' (although she
> accepted the default installation options).

German spaces create even more problems <wink>.

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