Python vs. C#

Brian Quinlan brian at
Sat Aug 9 22:30:45 EDT 2003

> So again my question is, language-wise, what can I get done with
> that I can't get done with C#?  

Nothing, as both are Turing complete.

> What is easy to express in Python, that is tedious, difficult, or
> impossible to express in C#?

1. the .NET class library is fairly robust but a lot of powerful types
   aren't available as literals in C# (or there literals have usage
   restrictions e.g. array literals are only available during variable
2. the entire reflection API in .NET is painful to use and mainly
   features that are automatic in Python
3. C# forces you to do a lot of type casting (for some reason it doesn't
   even allow covariant return types)
4. forcing everything into a class is stupid e.g. does anyone really
   writing Math.sin(x) over sin(x)?

Sorry, no time for more; dinner time.


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