Python for medicine

Tim Churches tchur at
Thu Aug 14 18:16:34 EDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 23:45, ddoc wrote:
> Python, as Zope, underlies some candidate medical record systems.
> Python is also the programming language for at least one system - GNUMed 
> from Australia.

GNUmed is an international effort, with over half the active developers
from Australia, and over half the active developers from Germany, and
contributions from around the world, although Australians are prominent
in teh ranks. You can find lists of other open source health and medical
projects here and here (the latter list a bit out-of-date) - Python and Zope do indeed figure prominently, but not dominantly. M (also known as MUMPS) forms the basis of one very large health software system - Vista, used by the US Dept of Veterans Affairs to run their hospitals and clinics. PHP powers a number of Web-based systems, and there is one family physician system written in Tk/TCL. Java also figures prominently. So yes, Python has a significant presence in the open source health and medical software scene, but does not rule the roost by any means.

Inthe proprietary health and medical software sector, I've not heard of
Python being used anywhere - I'd be interested to learn of any

> But the specific  slot I see Python as particularly suited to is as a 
> generic scripting language for use in (many) medical record and decision 
> assist systems.
> Currently there are a variety of these, and they tend to have individual 
> scripting languages or lack them altogether, partly because their origins 
> are in the dawn of time.
> There is a certain amount of work available on the Web on what could be 
> generic objects, such as the Arden Syntax, a way of defining the steps in 
> making a decision.
> Rendering such things into Python modules, and leaving it up to the 
> individual (proprietary or Open) system suppliers to make use of them and 
> provide the lower level piece that interfaces to the specific system in 
> question seems like a good way to go, to me.

I suggest that you take this discussion to the openhealth mailing list,
where a lot of very knowledgeable health and medical informatics people
hang out - and some of them are Pythonistas. To join the list, send an
e-mail to openhealth-list-request at with
"subscribe" as the subject. An archive of past messages is available at


Tim C

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