Pipe Problem

Tonguç Yumruk trooper at ttnet.net.tr
Tue Apr 29 11:44:41 EDT 2003


I don't know if it's the proper place to ask but I couldn't find any
better place.

Here is the problem:

whichpipe = os.popen("which xloadimage")
billGates = whichpipe.readlines()

It works when I try it on python interpreter, itworks when I execute it
in my script... But it never works when I call it from lineakd.

I have one of those fancy "Easy Access" keyboards, and I am using LinEAK
(http://lineak.sourceforge.net) to use the extra buttons on my keyboard.
I have a little python script that changes the wallpaper randomly...
When I call it from lineakd, this happens:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tonguc/Python/randombg", line 37, in ?
IOError: [Errno 10] No child processes

When I don't close the pipe it all works perfect, but I think it's not
good coding when you use a pipe then assign the same name to another
pipe without closing it.

I'm using Debian Woody r1, Python 2.1.3


Love Respect Linux
: The following (relative to AutoSplit 1.03) attempts to please everyone
: and perhaps pleases no one:
I think that's way cool.
             -- Larry Wall in <199709292015.NAA09627 at wall.org>
Tonguç Yumruk
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