Is there a python realaudio player? For windows?

Carl Banks imbosol-1049420093 at
Thu Apr 3 22:19:11 EST 2003

Tipton Bandy wrote:
> A *.ram file is a "real audio metafile". It does not contain any
> sound at all.  If you save the file and open it up in a text
> editor, you will find a line that looks like this:
> rtsp://server/path/file.rm
> This is a streaming media file.  I was hoping to be able to copy
> the *.rm file to my hard disk so that I could listen offline, but
> so far I haven't been able to do that.  Google hasn't helped.
> Tipton

A couple ideas:

On Linux, Real Player (at least the version I have) has Enlightened
Sound Daemon support.  If you set Real Player to use ESD, you can use
esdmon to output the sound to a file.  I was able to use this trick to
get a sound clip from "The Price Is Right" (specifically, the music
from the game Cliffhangers) to use in a genetic algorithms
presentation.  However, this didn't work smoothly.

A lot of sound card drivers have an option to record anything played
to a file.

Or you can write your own client for RTSP protocol to download the
stream.  Here is the home page for RTSP:

I doubt the format of Real Media sound itself is open, but it might be
possible to more or less throw a bunch of datagrams together and it'll
work as a .rm file.


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