What means exactly "Memory error"?

emf i at mindlace.net
Thu Apr 24 22:59:45 EDT 2003

Bo M. Maryniuck wrote:

>>The most likely cause is that you've
>>simply run out of memory (#1 above) -- but that's more a symptom than an
>>explanation.  Don't expect it to be easy to resolve.
> Yes, you're right: I'm just out of memory, though server has 4G RAM... :/ Have 
> you at least any ideas how to decrease/pack collected data to avoid fat 
> growing?
> P.S. Or at least which library I should use to parse HTML with DOM using 
> something else, instead HtmlLib...?

You might try minidom or cDomlette instead, if you need something 
DOMlike. If you can deal with an even more lightweight structure I might 
suggest pyRXP or elementtree (my favorite).

Your application really sounds like it could work with a SAX based 
approach, as Skip suggested.


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