Stackless 3.0 alpha 1 at blinding speed

Anton Vredegoor anton at
Mon Apr 21 08:33:16 EDT 2003

Tim Peters" <tim_one at> wrote:

[this link, from different viewpoints]

>I argued in favor of adding generators to Python starting in about 1991.
>Every time I tried, the effort got hijacked by people going on about
>continuations.  The post's primary point was that generators *can* be
>explained "in terms of the old", and easily.  I think it succeeded at that.

Yes, the generator part was very good.

>Coroutines are harder, but can still be seen as a natural extension.
>Continuations require a different mindset entirely, and I believe that post
>was instrumental in (finally) getting generators taken seriously as a
>feature that didn't require buying into continuations first.

Yes, seen from this perspective the post was probably ok. If seen as
an explanation of continuations however, it is diminished by these


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