*Newbie Question* --> Is it viable to distribute Python apps over the Internet?

Grant Edwards grante at visi.com
Mon Apr 21 14:14:22 EDT 2003

In article <mailman.1050946774.25112.python-list at python.org>, Jp Calderone wrote:

>> I'm blabbering! Anyway, my problem is this. I tried to compile
>> a simple Hello World program into something runnable on
>> non-python computers, and it came out being 7MB in size. Is
>> there something I'm doing wrong? Just so you know, I do know
>> somewhat what I'm doing. I know that it's incorporating all of
>> the GUI. So is there a way to not incoporate all of the gui,
>> and still have a functional program? I'm thinkin in the 800k
>> range for a simple program? The reason I ask is because I'm
>> thinking of porting something I made in VB to Python before I
>> develop it any further.
> Though 7MB is slightly larger than the numbers I've seen, it is
> in the right ballpark.
> It's easy to see why.  You're distributing an entire runtime
> environment, instead of just your application.  When you write
> VB code, you're only distributing your application.

Has anybody tried distributing their Python app w/o bundled
Python but with a wrapper/isntaller that will download and
install Python if it isn't installed?  I'm currently
distributing a very simple wxWindows app bundled with Python
and wxWindows (so the download is pretty huge).  For customers
that already have Python and wxWindows, it seems like a waste.

I've now idea how many customers (if any) already do have
Python. I suspect very few do, so it's sort of a moot point.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  CHUBBY CHECKER just
                                  at               had a CHICKEN SANDWICH in
                               visi.com            downtown DULUTH!

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