inserting Python commands into HTML documents

Cameron Laird claird at
Mon Apr 14 17:39:16 EDT 2003

In article <6-CdnUrJoLKFkQajXTWcqA at>,
Em  <mcclaine at> wrote:
>These options all seem to require me to install 3rd party software onto 
>the server of this company, and I believe that to be outside of the 
>scope of the test project.
>The only issue is that I want it to be invisible that I'm pulling from a 
>CGI script (I don't want the URL bar to say 
>"", I want it to simply 
>say "" or "").
>Is there a way for me to send my output to /index.html, /projects.html, 
We're using words in different ways.  Crudely, yes,
all the usual active page methods can pass data
either visibly (".../") or
not-so-visibly (".../")--withOUT regard to
whether CGI is involved or not.

And equally without regard to language; PHP can do 
just as much and just as little, in this regard.

Given this, I conclude I have no idea what you mean
by "send my output to /index.html ..." and so on.
I'm reasonably confident Python can do it, whatever
it is.

The problem remains ill-specified.  One of the things
is that we'll need to know about the Web server avail-
able.  If someone has asked you, "Demonstrate how to
use a Web server that only supports PHP but without
using PHP", then my summary will be that he's hazing

Cameron Laird <Cameron at>

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