What function called this function ??

Mark McEahern marklists at mceahern.com
Wed Sep 25 11:04:49 EDT 2002

> Is it possible, by hacking the traceback/stack/etc, to get
> information about the function, that functions class and in what
> module that function and class are defined, from inside a function
> located elsewhere?  Something like a way of answering the question
> of "who called me?" without sending the answer along as a parameter.

Some variation on this theme:


#!/usr/bin/env python

def mycaller():

    Return the name of the caller of the caller of this function.
    import sys
    steps_back = 2
    return sys._getframe(steps_back).f_code.co_name

def foo():
    print "foo called by %s." % mycaller()

def bar():




foo called by bar.

// m

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