RedHat 7.3 and Python2.2.1

Kow Kuroda kkuroda at
Mon Sep 2 20:47:16 EDT 2002

On Monday, September 2, 2002, at 11:43 , Peter Hansen wrote:

> Doug Farrell wrote:
>> I'm trying to install the latest version of Python
>> (python2-2.2.1-1.i386.rpm) from the download page, and
>> I'm having problems. When I run
>> rpm -i python2-2.2.1-1.i386.rpm
>> I get all kinds of conflict messages like this:
>> file /usr/bin/pydoc2 from install of python2-2.2.1-1 conflicts with
>> file from package python2-2.2-16
>> probably hundreds of them in fact. Can anyone tell me what is going on
>> here, as the site says the RPM I'm using is for RH7.3,
>> which is what I'm using. If you can tell me what I'm doing wrong and
>> how to address this, that would be great too! My ultimate goal is to
>> also install wxPython for the python2.2.1 installation, so if anyone
>> has some 'heads up' on that, I'd appreciate it.
> Sounds like you already have a previous version of Python2.2 installed.
> You should probably be using the "-U" option to update instead of
> the "-i" option to install... or uninstall the previous one first.

I just wanted to make a comment on Peter's post.

I think -U or --upgrade option works, but it's dangerious to uninstall 
Python 2.1, which is now part of Red Hat Linux 7.3, unlike in prevous 
releases where Python 1.5.2 or something is used for installation scripts.
  If you try to uninstall 2.1, you'll get a bunch of dependency errors and 
won't succeed. If you happen to be successful, it's pretty likely that you 
get messed up with the stability issues.

If .i386.rpm doesn't install even with -U, the best way to upgrade Python 
2 should be using a .src.rpm instead of an i386.rpm, as usuaul. It is 
explained in the rpm installation page of


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