a question about mailman

Mark McEahern mark at mceahern.com
Mon Sep 30 15:38:43 EDT 2002

I have a question about Mailman that was never answered when posting to the
Mailman list:


I'm in the awkward position of having this question even though I don't
personally have Mailman installed (yet).

Since Mailman is written in Python, I thought I'd use the occasion of this
week's Dr. Dobb's Python-URL (DDPU) to illustrate the use case I envision
that is at the heart of my question about Mailman.

If you examine this week's DDPU (below), you'll see Cameron provides very
useful references to the Python mailist list when he references a thread
that happened on comp.lang.python.  (I've also seen contributors of DDPU
alternatively provide a link to the thread at http://groups.google.com/,
which is also very useful.)

What I imagine Cameron had to do was navigate to the archive page for the
Python mailing list and, by-hand, find the URL for each thread/message he
wanted to reference.

In that context, I wonder, "Wouldn't it be easier if you could configure
Mailman to insert the archive URL into the footer of outgoing messages?"

I took a peek at the Mailman code base and it seems like this could be done,
but it would require hacking the Dispatch (correct name?) module since when
it uses string formatting, it uses the list dictionary, not the message
dictionary to format the footers.  Of course, you want to do both:  format
with the list dictionary AND with the message dictionary.  But does it make
sense to combine the two into a temporary dictionary and use *that*?

So my questions are:

1.  Would this generally be useful--having the ability to put message
specific information in the footers?
2.  Would it specifically be useful to put the archive url into the footers?
(I personally think so.)
3.  Is the vague approach I sketched above the way you'd do it?  That is,
does it seem likely that it would work?

Of course, I realize it's highly likely this entire message will be ignored
since it's about Mailman, not Python per se.  C'est la vie.


// mark

-----Original Message-----
From: Cameron Laird [mailto:claird at lairds.com]On Behalf Of Cameron Laird
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 2:16 PM
To: mark at mceahern.com :
Subject: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Sep 30)

QOTW:  "One can always write very sparse or very dense lines of code that
break the model, but in-the-large programmers do not normally do that.
They tend to write code in lines that fit easily in their head and, because
of this, one line of code is pretty much comparable to another."
Jonathan Hogg

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    Puffin makes automation nice.

    Pexpect fills in Puffin's most severe lack.

    Uche Ogbuji introdues Python's XML and XML-RPC capabilities, and PyXML.

    September brought another round of attention to CP4E in the EDU-SIG

    Think in Tkinter.

    Martin v. Löwis gives background to management of patches and
    contributions in the Python project.


    Blog with Python.


Everything you want is probably one or two clicks away in these pages:

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    center of Pythonia
    Notice especially the master FAQ

    PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
    daily python url
    Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new)
    World-Wide Web articles related to Python.
    While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL
    are utterly different in their technologies and generally in
    their results.

    comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software.  Be
    sure to scan this newly-revitalized newsgroup at least weekly.


    Brett Cannon continues the marvelous tradition established by
    Andrew Kuchling and Michael Hudson of summarizing action on the
    python-dev mailing list once every other week.

    The Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collect Python resources

    Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
    mailing lists

    The Python Software Foundation has replaced the Python Consortium
    as an independent nexus of activity

    Cetus does much of the same

    Python FAQTS

    The old Python "To-Do List" now lives principally in a
    SourceForge reincarnation.


    The online Python Journal is posted at pythonjournal.cognizor.com.
    editor at pythonjournal.com and editor at pythonjournal.cognizor.com
    welcome submission of material that helps people's understanding
    of Python use, and offer Web presentation of your work.

    *Py: the Journal of the Python Language*

    Links2Go is a new semi-automated link collection; it's impressive
    what AI can generate

    Tenth International Python Conference

    Archive probing tricks of the trade:



Previous - (U)se the (R)esource, (L)uke! - messages are listed here:
  http://purl.org/thecliff/python/url.html (dormant)


Suggestions/corrections for next week's posting are always welcome.
[http://www.egroups.com/list/python-url-leads/ is hibernating.  Just
e-mail us ideas directly.]

To receive a new issue of this posting in e-mail each Monday morning
(approximately), ask <claird at phaseit.net> to subscribe.  Mention

-- The Python-URL! Team--

Dr. Dobb's Journal (http://www.ddj.com) is pleased to participate in and
sponsor the "Python-URL!" project.

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