REQ: Book reccomendation

Alessandro Bottoni alessandro.bottoni at
Fri Oct 25 03:13:19 EDT 2002

Alle 17:04, lunedì 21 ottobre 2002, 4Space ha scritto:
> Can anyone reccomend a good book for a C++/C# programmer who wants to learn
> Pyhton for scripting on Linux and Windows.
> I'll be automating builds, maybe some UI work, systems administration, that
> sort of thing.

Coming from C/C++, you are likely to appreciate these ones:

- "The Python Cookbook", By Martelli $ Ascher, O'Reilly
- "Python essential reference"
- "Programming Python" by Lutz, O'Reilly (second edition)

But, before buying any book, have a look at the tutorial supplied with the 
Python package and at the examples you can find and 
This stuff, together with the included reference manual, is usually enough to 
get started.

For your GUI development, have a look at the QT/KDE binding (PyQT and PyKDE) 
and at wxPython (that is the Python binding to wxWindows). 

TKInter has its own book, as well: Programming with Python and TKInter, by 
Grayson, Manning. I own it and I like it very much.

Alessandro Bottoni

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