SOAP frustrations

A.M. Kuchling amk at
Tue Oct 15 21:17:59 EDT 2002

In article <3DAC6F04.2030704 at>, Andrew Dalke wrote:
> What I don't get is, I figure there's enough people doing web services/
> SOAP with Python that there shouldn't be these problems.  Why then am
> I so frustrated with it?

Maybe most people are using XML-RPC instead of SOAP.  SOAP seems so
complicated, and entangled with yet more complicated standards such as
WSDL and UDDI, that it doesn't seem worth the trouble to me; XML-RPC
for the simpler stuff, and REST-style HTTP for the more elaborate
stuff, seems a more practical bet to me.  (Admittedly, that doesn't
help you if the rest of the project has committed to SOAP for whatever


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