Problem with Mailman software and python

Skip Montanaro skip at
Thu Oct 3 17:39:15 EDT 2002

    Ken> admin(5304): self.__db = marshal.load(fp)
    Ken> admin(5304): ValueError: bad marshal data

    Ken> Anything will help at this point, please let me know if any of you
    Ken> have see this.

Looks like the file which contains the marshalled information is corrupted
somehow.  Look in to see what file it's trying to load.  If you
have a recent backup of that machine, restoring that file from backup is
your best bet.  If that's not an option, I have a Python version of the
marshal module here:

which instead of raising an exception upon finding an error, returns what it
can.  This may help you recover significant chunks of the file.

(I got this code from Guido a few years ago, then modified it slightly for
this particular task.  It's code he originally wrote so JPython could have a
marshal module.)

Skip Montanaro - skip at
"Airplanes don't fly until the paperwork equals the weight of the
aircraft. Same with i18N." - from the "Perl, Unicode and i18N FAQ"

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