Boa Constructor and CVS question

Conrad Schneiker schneiker at
Fri Oct 4 16:44:59 EDT 2002

I've done some searching around and have seen recommendations
that the CVS version of Boa Constructor be used (since the .zip and
win32.exe downloads are way out of date). After some further searching, I
haven't found any concise documentation about how to go about doing this,
although there is a considerable abundance of marginally related information
to sift through.

Am I overlooking something obvious? Or do most people new to this process
each go searching around for the seemingly scattered pieces of information
needed to do this?  Or do they just ask a more experienced friend what to
do? Or is there an existing Python script somewhere that I can use for this?
Or is it that my expectations for convenience are out of line here since
almost everything else I have done or tried or looked up relating to Python
has so far been comparatively quick and easy?

In any case, I probably will have fetched and installed this by the time
someone answers, but it seems this might be a nice FAQ item to save others
some time, and to make the Python world even more of a time-saving and
user-friendly experience.


PS: I'm reluctant to suggest more work for volunteers who reportedly have
produced a wonderful system, but it sure would be nice and convenient to
have more up-to-date downloads--and to thereby also considerably increase
the audience for their work.

PPS: I've also run across questions (but not much in the way of answers) to
how PythonCard and Boa Constructor compare to each other. Have I missed a
thread somewhere?

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