Reports, PDF, and grid widget for Python?

John Hunter jdhunter at
Mon Oct 21 14:10:07 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Adams-Blake" == Adams-Blake Co <aremovethiscanton at> writes:

    Adams-Blake> Hmmm. This is very interesting. I WILL check it
    Adams-Blake> out. The one reason I resisted 3rd party widgets was
    Adams-Blake> that I need this to be a slam-dunk, no-brainer
    Adams-Blake> install for the user.

    Adams-Blake> Here is a good question. What is the advantage of
    Adams-Blake> using wxPython as opposed to Jython. 

Just wanted to add a thought on the slam dunk install you desire.  If
the 3rd party code you include is free of any proprietary licensing
(like wx is), you can just bundle it with your software and the user
need not know how to install the dependencies since you can fold them
into your install wizard.  I don't know if you can do this with a JRE.

John Hunter

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