segmentation fault when unpickling an object in another Python instance

Martin v. Löwis loewis at
Thu Nov 7 08:10:39 EST 2002

Raik Gruenberg <graik at> writes:

> You are right, sort of. The problem is narrowed down: It, basically,
> seems impossible to unpickle a Numeric array of dictionaries (objects
> in general?) in another interpreter instance. I, nevertheless,
> submitted the bug report to the (more active) Python not the Numpy
> project. You shouldn't get a segfault, after all...

However, we can nothing do about that. If Numeric decides to crash,
inside its own code, or return garbage data to Python, there is
nothing that the rest of the Python interpreter can do to save itself.

The guarantee of no segfaults becomes void if there are misbehaving
extension modules.


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