segmentation fault when unpickling an object in another Python instance

Michael Hudson mwh at
Thu Nov 7 07:41:17 EST 2002

Raik Gruenberg <graik at> writes:

> You are right, sort of. The problem is narrowed down: It, basically,
> seems impossible to unpickle a Numeric array of dictionaries (objects
> in general?) in another interpreter instance. I, nevertheless,
> submitted the bug report to the (more active) Python not the Numpy
> project. You shouldn't get a segfault, after all...

The NumPy extension is written in C.  There's not a lot Python can do
to stop bugs in NumPy segfaulting the interpreter.

> Well, I guess you could forward it to the Numpy team on grounds of [1] :)

No, *you* can -- it's your problem, after all.  I don't even have
Numeric installed on this machine, so I can't test any fix, etc.


  I saw `cout' being shifted "Hello world" times to the left and
  stopped right there.                                -- Steve Gonedes

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