How do I reply to an item in the list ?

Robin Munn rmunn at
Wed Nov 13 18:32:47 EST 2002

Patrick.Carabin at MyRealBox.COM <Patrick.Carabin at MyRealBox.COM> wrote:
> Dear Dennis,
>>         Oh, main thing I notice is that there are no /references/ in your 
>> header, which means that it is considered the start of a thread...
>  would You like to explain a bit more about that /references/ , 
> - what it should be
> - where it should be
> so i can try to «reply» without breaking the thread ? The «Post a
> follow-up to this message» in Google did NOT place it, so i assume i
> MUST do it manually...

What he is referring to is the References: header, which is used by both
mail clients and newsgroup clients to track a thread. To see what I'm
talking about, pick any discussion thread with more than one reply.
Click on "View this article only" for the original message (the one that
started the thread), then click on "Original format". Note the
Message-ID: header. Now go back to thread view, pick one of the replies,
and click on "Original format". Note how the Message-ID from the
original post shows up in the References: header of this post. That is
what newsgroup-reading software (including Google Groups) uses to track
which message is in response to which other message in a thread.

If you want to know all about it in exhaustive detail, look at:

and search for the word "References".

By the way, the post that I'm replying to seems to have had its
References: header inserted correctly. Also, as someone else mentioned,
please make your test postings to alt.test so as not to clutter up this
newsgroup with irrelevant messages. Thanks!

Robin Munn <rmunn at>
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