Will python binaries compiled on vs.net?

Alexander Semenov sav at ulj.menatepspb.com
Thu Nov 21 05:06:50 EST 2002


 TP> Excellent!  You just volunteered to build the Python VC7 distribution

Ok. I just tried to compile python with VC7 (ftp://ftp.sav.vens.ru/python).
I used recent cvs snapshot. I follow exactly \dist\src\PCbuild\readme.txt.
Now I've some questions.

1. All but bsddb compiled without errors.
   db.1.85.win32.zip compiled ok, but python/bsddb project complains to
   unknown symbols u_long, u_int etc in db.h I solve problem by copying
   dist\bsddb\PORT\win32\include\compat.h to dist\bsddb\include
   Am I right? Why it didnt noted in readme?

2. There are some warnings. Is it normal? For examle:
dist\src\Objects\longobject.c(1252) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from
'stwodigits' to 'digit', possible loss of data
dist\src\Objects\longobject.c(1271) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from
'stwodigits' to 'digit', possible loss of data

3. Ok, I compiled it. I've got a bunch of *.lib and *pyd, python[w].exe.
   next? How I can make distribution? I saw *.wse scripts for Wise
   System, but it is far from freeware. I look for some easy used tool or

4. Help. As far as I can see, it's doesnt possible to build help for windows
   (html) in windows. I found win32 port for latex2html, but Makefiles in
/Doc uses sh
   scripts, and I didnt realize how I can do it. I know about cygwin, but my
   preference is dont use it.

I think some of this questions are trivial and it's much simpler ask it here
get momental points to my stupidity, and then try to dig into complex ones.

Sorry for terrible english,
Alexander Semenov.

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