Graham's spam filter

Christophe Delord christophe.delord at
Wed Nov 13 16:09:49 EST 2002


There was discussion on this group about spam filtering using Graham's
filter. I'm surely not the first to do it but I found the exercise
interesting and I wrote my own filter. My filter is still very young (and
maybe not very stable) but it is efficient (on my little spam corpus I
only miss 5 per 100 spams. I know I'm far from Graham's results). So those
who are interested (and adventurous) can find it here:

This filter is yet another POP3 proxy, uses an automatic white list (ie
the list of people the user has sent emails before) and is fast enough to
be used on a personal computer (it doesn't accept multiple connections at
the same time but you can have multiple POP3 accounts). The filter decodes
base64 attachments too. When a spam is detected, the subject is tagged and
the mail client has to be configured to move those tagged spams in the
spam corpus.

Of course it is written in Python ;-) I'm using it on Linux, don't know if
it work with windows.

Best regards,


(o_   Christophe Delord                   _o)
//\   /\\
V_/_  mailto:christophe.delord at   _\_V

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