some sort of threadsafe locale support

François Lepoutrre francois.lepoutre at
Sat Nov 16 02:26:44 EST 2002


>If you are willing to contribute, I recommend that you look at the IBM
>ICU library (international components for Unicode), and its Python
>wrapper PICU, at
>For the specific services you need, you will have to write the
>wrappers yourself (since the existing wrappers wrap other parts of the
>library). In return, you get a fully thread-safe,
>multi-locales-at-time library. Don't forget to contribute your code
>when done.

I LOVE pythonn and d'be glad to contribute but have to confess
that i'm not proficient enough with systems for this.

I have no IT background (15 years as HR, hiring and firing....)
and use python because i found it so simple and manageable.

Python has replace "asp and al" in my toolbox for cgi. It allows
for high-level paradigms in a few lines of code. Fits my brain.

But i am still a dummy when it comes to hardcore programming.
I would definitely not be the person to write extensions.

I liked c but didnot produce any significant code. i bumped
into C++ and didnot like it.

Call me a high-level code programmer only.

I loved smalltalk but  never tried java. Python has
delivered what smalltalk did promise.

Python has a funny and eclectic user base with
scientists, system specialists and litterary blokes.

An open world :)


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