Will python binaries compiled on vs.net?

Alexander Semenov sav at ulj.menatepspb.com
Mon Nov 18 11:29:24 EST 2002


I'm using python on win32, and recently moved to most current MS C compiler
VS.NET (VS7). My policy for python and it's modules is using binaries for
wherever possible and build modules which distributed in sources only.
Unfortunately there are incompatibility beetween python binary python.exe
built by vs6 and modules built by vs7. VS7 used new msvcrt.dll (msvcr70.dll)
and msvcp70.dll. If you malloced memory by msvcrt.dll and free it by
you probably get a crash. So I cant build modules from sources now.

I know, python compiles on vc7, I even succesfully tried to compile it, but
recompiling all of modules I use may become a PITA. Especially modules like
PyWin32 or PIL. Some modules will be better built by authors.

So, my question is: when python binaries will be built by VS7? I think it
authors of popular modules rebuilt it too. I know, this makes problems for
people with vs6, but now vs7 is most current realize from MS.

Alexander Semenov.

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