A really bad idea.

Roy Smith roy at panix.com
Fri Nov 15 09:16:59 EST 2002

Thomas Heller  <theller at python.net> wrote:
> Ok, you need a core library of system calls, but then you go.

Depends on what you're trying to do.  If you're writing an application
to run on top of an operating system, then yes, you need a library of
system calls.  But, even at that, most system call libraries are a
very thin layer which do little more than put arguments on the stack
in the right format and execute some flavor of trap instruction.

But, there are plenty of things you might want to do with C which do
not involve any sort of system call library at all.  You might be
writing an embedded system which runs directly on top of the hardware.
Or, you might be writing an operating system itself, or a device
driver.  It's a pity that most people don't ever get to do either of
those.  You miss out on some good experiences by never getting to
touch the hardware directly.

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