Will python binaries compiled on vs.net?

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Thu Nov 21 23:06:40 EST 2002

[Alexander Semenov, tries compiling Python w/ VC 7]
> Ok. I just tried to compile python with VC7
> (ftp://ftp.sav.vens.ru/python).
> I used recent cvs snapshot. I follow exactly
> \dist\src\PCbuild\readme.txt.
> Now I've some questions.
> 1. All but bsddb compiled without errors.
>    db.1.85.win32.zip compiled ok, but python/bsddb project complains to
>    unknown symbols u_long, u_int etc in db.h I solve problem by copying
>    dist\bsddb\PORT\win32\include\compat.h to dist\bsddb\include
>    Am I right? Why it didnt noted in readme?

CVS isn't stable (by definition), and someone broke bsddb entirely earlier
this week.  It's in the process of getting moved to a newer version of the
Sleepycat software.  You're much better off building from a stable CVS tag.
For example, the 2.2.2 release was tagged r222.  Nobody would *want* a
distribution from a non-stable state.  If you do that, note that the bz2
module didn't exist then, and a different version of Tcl/Tk was in use.

> 2. There are some warnings. Is it normal?

No.  We shoot for a warning-free build under MSVC.

> For examle:
> dist\src\Objects\longobject.c(1252) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion
> from 'stwodigits' to 'digit', possible loss of data
> dist\src\Objects\longobject.c(1271) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion
> from 'stwodigits' to 'digit', possible loss of data

Doesn't happen under MSVC 6; these should get repaired.  Patches on
SourceForge would be appreciated!

> 3. Ok, I compiled it. I've got a bunch of *.lib and *pyd, python[w].exe.
> What's next? How I can make distribution? I saw *.wse scripts for Wise
> Installation System, but it is far from freeware.

Don't ask me -- it's your distribution <wink>.

> I look for some easy used tool or script.

There's a patch on SourceForge with a more fleshed-out Inno Setup script
(more fleshed-out than the python.iss in the PCbuild directory), if you'd
like to pursue that route.

> 4. Help. As far as I can see, it's doesnt possible to build help
> for windows distribution (html) in windows.

I've never done it, and don't know whether it's possible.  Fred builds the
HTML docs on a Linux box, and gives me a tarball to fold into the PLabs
Windows installer.  Note that Doc/tools/ contains prechm.py, which is most
of what's needed to build an HTML Help file from the HTML docs instead; this
is better on Windows, but we never found time to complete it.

> I found win32 port for latex2html, but Makefiles in
> /Doc uses sh scripts, and I didnt realize how I can do it. I
> know about cygwin, but my personal preference is dont use it.

Sorry, can't help you with this.

> I think some of this questions are trivial and it's much simpler
> ask it here and get momental points to my stupidity, and then
> try to dig into complex ones.

There are few simple issues remaining if you want to pursue this.  I hope
you do, though!  The more Python distros built on free tools, the better.

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