Python Browser Applets

Terry Hancock hancock at
Wed Nov 6 16:33:05 EST 2002

Hi all,

Well, I've researched this further, and for those who are interested,
I think I found a much better (read "easier") solution:

First, AnyGUI is probably a better standard GUI to provide for
the Applet/Plugin. As an attempt at a common standard, it's
a much smaller API than Tkinter or PyGTK (though it provides
backends for them).  It is still somewhat incomplete, though.

One of the backends "planned" for AnyGUI is "PyUI" which I
looked up:

and it is a GUI implemented against a "renderer" which is a
very small class that has to be implemented for each class
which simply handles the basic drawing actions. The PyGame
2D renderer bundled with it has less than 250 lines of Python
code, which define methods like drawText() and drawRect().

So the simplest approach is simply to write an AWT renderer for
PyUI which can then run in Jython. At that point, the Java-only
restriction is lifted, because PyUI can also run on PyOpenGL or
PyGame/SDL renderers (as well as several other choices), so the
applet would run in C Python as well.

At this point, I have 2 choices:
   1) Run on Java-1.0-enabled browsers (which is pretty much
    all the commercial browsers, but not the free ones until you
    install a plugin). (Requires developing AWT renderer, possibly
    contributing to AnyGUI & PyUI projects to fill out any missing

    2) Run as an independent Python application. For convenience,
    this can be configured as a "Helper App" in the browser so it will
    pop up when needed (Renderer already written -- actually a
    choice of them, may require AnyGUI/PyUI contribs).

If I want to get more ambitious, it is possible to get the Netscape/
Mozilla Plugin SDK (and the Python Embedding manual) and
write a Plugin to embed the Python interpreter to run Python Applets
natively.  I have found evidence that someone *once* did this, 
but all traces of the original implementation seem to have vanished
from the web, and I'm not sure if it would've been easy to update
a Python 1.5.2 plugin to Python 2.1+  (though it might). Possible
starting places include:

Mozilla Plugins Page:

Reading the Plugin API docs, though, I have to admit to being
somewhat lost -- I haven't figured out how a Plugin actually can
draw itself into the browser window space allocated for it.  It seems
like this would have to mean that the "Netscape Methods" would
include drawing primitives or a canvas object that can be drawn
to, but I haven't found it yet (Or maybe I'm misunderstanding
how it works, and the plugin has to talk to the underlying window
library -- but that seems bizarre and awkward).

In any case, I figure it means writing a "Netscape Plugin Renderer"
for PyUI.  This  would give me option

    3) Run Applet on Python Plugin (Requires embedded python
    plugin -- big project?, Netscape Plugin Renderer for PyUI -- small,
    contribs to AnyGUI and PyUI if needed).

The plugin route is kind of the "high road" though -- very nice result,
but it clearly requires the most work.

Lastly, there are the Free Java implementations -- meaning the
JVMs, the class libraries, and the "Open Java Interface" plugins. If
one or more of these work, we have option

    4) Run Applet on *Free* Java browser platform (need the AWT
    renderer, contribs to AnyGUI, PyUI, and Free Java OJI of your
    choice -- maybe KaffeOJI, which does exist).

Kaffe OJI:

I have summarized these options in a diagram at:

As well as an idea for Zope-integration, but don't worry
about that part -- it's just a way to make deploying the applets
easier on the server side. The "Version 2" Zapplet is a pretty
terrifying diagram, although I think it makes it look worse than it
is -- it's just using a trick I got from a Java Applet/Plugin paper to
make the process a lot more automatic for the user.  The PreLoader
and Loader, for example, can be fairly small programs, and I
believe I have some sample code to start from.  Version 2 is
basically meaningless without the Python Applet Plugin (option #3).

It's clear to me that I'm going to implement the AWT renderer and
possibly contribute the the PyUI and AnyGUI projects to bring any
missing widgets up to the level needed to implement my client
applets.  That's 100% python code, BTW, no extension modules in
Java or C.

I'm wondering if anyway has an interest in pursuing the plugin
route. It does look do-able, but maybe a lot of work. Wouldn't be
so bad if it were broken up among a few interested parties. It would
probably be a snap for me to implement the "Plugin Renderer" for
PyUI along with the AWT one (that is, if I can ever figure out how 
plugins draw themselves).  Basically, I'm asking if anyone would be
motivated to embed the Python browser into a plugin?

Wanted to pass along my progress, and see if anyone's 
interested in the plugin part. If not, I'll probably just focus
on writing 

  * Jython backend for PyUI
  * Zapplet ("Version 1") for Zope
  * Docbook applet
  * Drawing applet

which is the 20% of the effort that does 80% of the job ;-D.


Terry Hancock ( hancock at )
Anansi Spaceworks

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