~~~ Python Use Question ~~~

smartcardware.com questions at smartcardware.com
Sat Nov 23 10:39:14 EST 2002

Greetings!  I am the lead developer in a upcoming game company that
will start work on a new game at the beginning of 2003.  We are (like
everyone else in the gaming industry right now) searching for a
scripting language to use in our game.  I've heard that Python is a
great scripting language with one downfall for game
designers/programmers.  That is that you must embed your code into
Python, instead of convensional scripting langauges where you embed
the scripting language into your code.  Basically we want to use
scripting languages for AI, game items stats, player stats, and a few
other things.  We'll use an advanced 3d engine (C++) for the rest.
   What we don't want to have to develope our code around Python,
rather develope our code and embed Python to fit our code when and
where we desire.

Any and all imput would be great!  Thanks!

Venn Syii

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