degrees and radians.

William Park opengeometry at
Mon May 6 01:05:38 EDT 2002

Jim Richardson <warlock at> wrote:
> sorry, I wasn't very clear, in the above example, the result I am
> looking for is
> (3,5)

Well, you can learn about Python's OO nature by writing class to handle

    class vector:
	def __init__(self, x=[]):		# vector([...])
	    self.array = x[:]
	    self.n = len(x)

	def __repr__(self):
	    return `self.array`

	def __add__(self, other):
	    for a, b in map(None, self.array, other.array):
		out.append(a + b)
	    return vector(out)

>>> a = vector([1,2])
>>> b = vector([2,3])
>>> a+b
[3, 5]

William Park, Open Geometry Consulting, <opengeometry at>
8-CPU Cluster, Hosting, NAS, Linux, LaTeX, python, vim, mutt, tin

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