degrees and radians.

Andrae Muys amuys at
Tue May 7 20:46:39 EDT 2002

Jim Richardson <warlock at> wrote in message news:<oj04ba.tnb.ln at>...
> sorry, I wasn't very clear, in the above example, the result I am
> looking for is
> >>>a=(1,2)
> >>>b=(2,3)
> >>>a+b
> (3,5)

Well if it's just a one-off you can use a simple list comprehension

[a+b for a,b in zip(a,b)]

if you specifically need a tuple then wrapping the above in tuple()
will do the conversion.

However if this is likely to be a common task (as I suspect), then you
are better off using Numeric as suggested, or (less likely) rolling
your own class.

Andrae Muys

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