python: cross-platform?

Steve Holden sholden at
Tue May 7 17:45:40 EDT 2002

"Danyel Fisher" <danyelf at> wrote ...
> I was pleased to discover some time back that code written entirely on a
> UNIX machine worked with virtually [*] no changes on a PC. So--assuming
> aren't doing anything too exotic, you should find that most code you
> generate is largely cross-platform.
> [*] Ok, so the original coder had written something like
>     new Socket( host, port )
> it turns out that PC systems want the input to be a tuple,
>     new socket( (host, port) )

In truth, the difference was probably required by a move from 1.5.2 to some
higher version number.

Accepting two separate arguments rather than a (host, port) tuple was a bug
in earlier implementations of the socket library which was removed, IIRC, in
1.6 (to the sound of a certain amount of anguish from people who had relied
on the buggy behavior).

The form you used should, however, backport to 1.5.2 without error, I
believe. The socket library is pretty portable across platforms.

but-its-all-thanks-to-huge-numbers-of-#ifdefs-in-the-C-code-ly y'rs  - steve
Steve Holden: ; Python Web Programming:

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