Speeding up the Canvas Widget

Salim Zayat zayats at blue.seas.upenn.edu
Fri May 31 15:39:59 EDT 2002

I have been having problems with the Canvas widget in terms of just 
speed.  I need to draw, and almost constantly redraw, upwards of like 
10,000 or so things to the canvas (lines, text, and rectangles, etc.).  
The larger the number of things to be drawn, the slower it is.  I went on 
the tcl/tk newsgroup, and apparently this is a problem for them too.  So 
I was just wondering if anyone has some sort of cheats that could be used 
to speed it up.  They mentioned the overhead in the CanvasItem being 
called, so maybe being able to treat 1000 polygons as one item and only 
one call to CanvasItem.  I dont know how applicable that is to Tkinter 
but still.

I know I am not exactly beeming with info here, but I have been 
struggling with this lag issue for a while, and I am not sure whether it 
is worth it to continue, or try experimenting with other packages (maybe 
pyGTK or something).


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