matching one time through a loop

David K. Trudgett dkt at
Thu May 30 20:53:00 EDT 2002

On Friday 2002-05-31 at 09:55:04 +1000, Delaney, Timothy wrote:

> Seriously here ... by not having regular expressions be an integral part of
> the language, I believe they become much more understandable. It is always

There might be something in that. However, having learned Perl before
Python, I just find it really clunky and slow to do regex stuff in
Python. I find that I miss the power that direct language syntax
support for regexes gives me. There's obviously a value judgement
there, of course: one needs to weigh up ease and speed of programming
with other factors like cleanness, readability, and so on. Obviously,
Python comes down on the cleanness/readability side, at the expense of
programmer productivity in text processing.

> obvious when a regex is being used, and so they don't tend to contribute to
> line noise.
> In Perl, regexs tend to be hidden in amongst all the other constructs.

Don't know about that. I don't personally find that a problem. If I
had learned Python first, I might have had a different opinion,
perhaps ;-)


David Trudgett

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