[Survey] Py Feedback

Cameron Laird claird at starbase.neosoft.com
Fri May 10 09:48:40 EDT 2002

In article <7RJC8.43000$zW3.495820 at news1.tin.it>,
Alex Martelli  <aleax at aleax.it> wrote:
>Chris wrote:
>> Linux magazine seems to have a lot of interest in Python, perhaps you
>> could somehow bundle with them?
>*blink* I believe LM ran their first ever Python article in April (by
>an interesting quirk it ran in the same issue as an excellent Ruby one
>by Thomas & Hunt, too -- I wasn't told about that and neither, I think,
>were T&H).  Apparently in reaction to good reader acceptance of that, I
>was then asked for another article in a rush, and we're now putting the
>final touches on it for appearance in July.  But that's still a grand
>total of two (2) articles over the whole lifetime of LM.  And I'm not
>privvy to other Python plans of theirs as yet.  How do you extrapolate 
>from that to "a lot of interest"?  Am I missing something...?

Ha!  Somebody miscalibrated the "detect Py-article"
threshold on the martellibot.

In December, Bob interviewed Guido <URL:
http://www.linux-mag.com/2001-12/rossum_01.html >.
In September, a year earlier, the editors chose Python 
third, behind P*** and P**, as a "Web development 
language" <URL: http://
www.linux-mag.com/2000-09/edchoice_03.html >.  June
1999 included a "Whirlwind Tour" of Zope <URL:
http://www.linux-mag.com/1999-06/productreview_01.html >.
Last year's "Network Device Interrogation" includes a
brief mention of Python, and even a bit of code (I think;
or maybe that was cut before publication ...).  I'm
fairly sure I can find other examples.

*Linux Magazine France* has given good attention to

Cameron Laird <Cameron at Lairds.com>
Business:  http://www.Phaseit.net
Personal:  http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/home.html

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