SciPy won't install (Win98)

Thomas Heller theller at
Mon May 6 14:05:00 EDT 2002

Please ignore what I wrote before about Python 2.3, I was
mislead by the filename for the weave installation.

1. If you use my cookbook recipe, you should feed it with
*source* distribution (which is usually a zip or tar.gz file).
You cannot use it with a windows (exe) installer.

2. The scipy people distribute (and this is probably what you
downloaded) a windows installer built with Python 2.1.
This installer (since it probably contains binary extensions)
can only use a Python 2.1 installation.

3. So you can either
- install Python 2.1 (which will normally coexist with Python 2.2
on the same machine), and use scipy in 2.1
- or use the source distribution, and compile it yourself.



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