win32 pop ups and button clicks

John Schmitt jschmitt at
Fri May 24 15:28:36 EDT 2002

I'm trying to automate a couple of windows things that insist on user
interaction by popping up dialog boxes and waiting for button clicks.  I
want to write a program that will, given the text of the names of the dialog
boxes and the text of the buttons, click them for me.  

I downloaded a program called 'clickoff.exe' which is pretty close to what I
want.  The only dialogs for which  clickoff.exe won't work on are the driver
install programs that complain about 'unsigned driver install' and the like.
I've written my stuff in Python (using win32all, which is great!) so I'd
like to write this in Python as well.  I also looked at Mark Hammond's book
(which has been very helpful) but couldn't find anything directly relevant
to my problem.

Is there previous work on this?  I don't know if I'm googling for the right
terms, but I can't come up with relevant links for it.  Any pointers
gratefully received.

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