python and windows and pydoc and favorite editor == True

Syver Enstad syver-en+usenet at
Fri May 31 11:38:26 EDT 2002

Hi, if anyone else than me thinks that reading the source of a python
module in your favorite editor, by clicking a link in the pydoc html
page covering that module would be nice, read on.

I have:
1. a very short python script (which parses the pydoceditor url
and executes os.environ['EDITOR'] with the parsed out file as the
parameter). I have the EDITOR variable set to gnuclient myself, but I
guess not everybody would want to use emacs so you can set EDITOR to
notepad or whatever suits you).

2. a small registry addition (registering a pydoceditor url
type, and a handler python script for that type), This is the only
part of the equation that is strictly win32 specific, I don't know how
to register handler's for url types on *nix or other platforms so...

3. a tiny hack to the source that makes this happen (which
changes the file: url to a pydoceditor url).

Post if there is any interest.

Vennlig hilsen 

Syver Enstad

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