Python and computer graphics

Geoff Gerrietts geoff at
Thu Mar 7 14:59:46 EST 2002

Quoting husam (h.jehadalwan at
> I was wondering whether it is possible to create graphics objects 
> without the use of a external module. Imagin that you build an 
> application and want to let other people use it. People have to install 
> python, then
> the extra module. The chance that my program finds its way to clients 
> screens is not so big.

Anything's possible, but it's a lot of work, probably work you don't
really want to do.

Most of the freely-available packages are creatures whose
redistribution is allowed. That means you could include the library in
your app's package, and install it as part of the install. Or don't
install it -- just build a little place for it in your app's
installation and import it from there. PIL in particular is very
accomodating about this; I've seen it used both globally installed and
within a local source tree and it functions either way.


Geoff Gerrietts             "Don't get suckered in by the comments-- 
<geoff at gerrietts net>     they can be terribly misleading.     Debug only code." --Dave Storer

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