Anyone need a program written?

Andrei Kulakov ak at
Fri Mar 29 10:53:38 EST 2002

In article <7o_o8.17314$Ou.7311 at>, Steve Holden wrote:
> "Fused" <I.j.w.Wever at> wrote in
> message news:3ca43ef4.3666136 at
>> I'm currently trying to master Python, but to succeed I need to
>> exercise. However, I detest building programs that have already been
>> built a kazillion times and aren't of use to anyone.
>> Can anyone think of a program that I could build that would actually
>> have use to someone (you?)? I'm trained in Delphi, know some Java and
>> rudimentary C, so the programs don't need to be newbie-easy ( I like a
>> challenge: the greater the challenge, the faster I'll learn ;-) ).
> I'd really like to see a Python mail/newsreader. That would teach you a lot,
> and keep you busy for a while...
I'd like to second that. I use slrn and mutt and they're pretty good but
I'd hack on a few things, polish rough edges, etc if they were written
in python. A program that tries to do both probably won't be very good
at either, if I were you I'd either make a news or - an email reader.

 - Andrei

> regards
>  Steve

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