
Gerhard =?unknown-8bit?Q?H=E4ring?= gh_pythonlist at
Sun Mar 31 20:40:23 EST 2002

* Robert Oschler <Oschler at> [2002-03-31 19:53 -0500]:
> Heard much about Zope, not much about Don Quixote.

Zope isn't only a web application framework, it's also a content-management
system. But I'm really not quite sure what it really is ;-)

IMO if you want to develop a web application, using a plain CGIs or a framework
like Webware is easier, because they're less complex than Zope.

> If I go with Zope will I miss something special as far as Quixote's
> concerned?

> I didn't know Zope also had a WYSIWIG editor for HTML pages.

It doesn't.

> Also, do I have to get Python 2.2 to use Zope 2.5?  I'm surprised SUSE's
> Yast2 missed that update.

You can avoid potential package management trouble by downloading a Zope binary
distribution and setting it up yourself.

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